Scar Revision

Scar revision is a specialized treatment aimed to reduce the appearance of scars by helping them match more consistently with the color and texture of the surrounding skin. It includes many techniques including topical treatments, injections, lasers, and surgery- each tailored to address different types of scars and optimize aesthetic outcomes.  

Different types of scars that Dr. Nabatian treats include hyperpigmentation, acne scars, keloids, hypertrophic (raised) scars, atrophic (depressed or flat) scars, stretch marks, and contractures. Scar revision can transform visible scars, whether due to acne, trauma, or surgery, to leave the affected skin appearing smoother and healthier and the scars less noticeable. 

To learn more and to see if scar revision is right for you, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Nabatian on our website or call 212-433-3788.